Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat


Making Drawing Circuits in Markdown a Cinch!

I've talked about how someone can make PlantUML diagrams come to life, directly in markdown for blog-sites, and I've touched on other automation techniques I use to make blogs come together from plain text, but how about some circuit diagrams? Well, there wasn't a neat tool to help make this a possibility, until now!

Scraping the ISP Router to Support Self-Hosting

To host my home services, I need to be able to have a dynamic-DNS, and to do that, I've been using DuckDNS (a great service, by the way), but it's time that I start getting more serious, and remove theCNAME from my domain, and get something a little more proper. But... to do that, I'll need my public IP. Good thing my ISP-provided-router displays that on the front page! Now, it's time for just a little Python...

RheoRailroad - A Digital Toy Train Set

Model railroading has always played close to new technology. I mean, after all Lionel used an electric motor back when they were still relatively new to make the first electric toy train. I'm continuing in that tradition, but doing it at my own speed, making an electric toy train speed-control that I can control from the palm of my hand. That's right, from my phone!

Making Feline Stink a Distant Memory

We all love our pets, but nobody likes cleaning up after them when they "do their business," right? Well, I'm in that same boat. It's the reason I have a "Cat Closet," where my automatic litterbox is located. Trouble is, when he uses it, that thing gets to stinkin' - and pretty quick too! Thus, I've come to a resolution with a new home-automation system. I call it "ScentAssist." Let me explain...

Photos in the Nick of Time at STAC

Well. It was here, and now it's gone. The Idaho State Teen Association Convention, or STAC - as we fondly call it, has come and gone. It was a great week of little sleep, much excitement, and lots of smiles; but what's more, is that we had some technology wins and losses to talk about. Thank you, Python!

Making Progress with Capstones

Over the last two years, I've become more involved as a project sponsor for some University of Idaho Engineering Capstone projects, and I'm very excited about their growth. Progress may be slow, but it's incremental, and we're approaching goals, which is always exciting!

Home Automation... Condensed!

Seems that, these days, there's an endless number of things that need to be automated for an "all-out" home-automation system. But how should we bring all of that stuff together? Well, I think I've got an idea...

More Servers in the Basement?

It's spring; time for spring cleaning, right? Well, that's even more true if you've got half a dozen servers all floating around, waiting to be used. So I think it's about time that I get some of my new servers mounted in the basement to improve the general usage of my resources!

  • Tue 29 March 2022
  • Youth

Error Pages for Education

What better way to learn, then by doing. That, after all, is the ethos of 4-H. The very esence of how 4-H teaches youth effective life-skills every day. This "photo upload app" that I've been working on relies on some of the newest, prettiest, fanciest web framework technologies available to make the common user-interaction experience very smooth so that youth may engage in digital activities easily, without having to learn new hoops to jump through. Still, it's being built for youth, by youth, so wouldn't it be disappointing if there weren't aspects that were clearly touched by youth? Clearly inspired by them? Sharing their energy and creativity?

  • Wed 23 March 2022
  • IoT

What is Tasmota, Anyway?

I've had a handfull of friends and colleagues ask about Tasmota; what it is, what it does, how to use it, etc. So I thought I'd put together a little article to tell you about this AWESOME open-source IoT firmware, why I use it, and how you can get started with it too!