Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

Home-Improvement Articles

Custom Lightning on Demand

Clearly I haven't written in a while. I've been busy with all manner of projects, of late. However, since this will be mostly video and image posting, I thought it couldn't hurt to get a quick article up.

Adding Radon Sensors to Home Assistant

Radon - an colorless, oderless gas. Sounds familiar, right? But you've probably heard that phrase in relation to other gasses like the carbon-monoxide, or perhaps natural gas. Radon poses health threats, as well, but with the added benefit of radiation. Scared yet? Don't worry.

Mount St. Helens Adventures

Ok, so I clearly wasn't alive when Mount St. Helens blew its lid in May of 1980; but that doesn't mean that I haven't had some adventures of my own with the eruption's aftermath! I spent this Labor Day with my mother, working on some improvements to the front porch celing; prepping it for some new tongue-and-groove Cedar boards, new lights, and even speakers. But before any of the new... we need to get rid of the old...

Making Feline Stink a Distant Memory

We all love our pets, but nobody likes cleaning up after them when they "do their business," right? Well, I'm in that same boat. It's the reason I have a "Cat Closet," where my automatic litterbox is located. Trouble is, when he uses it, that thing gets to stinkin' - and pretty quick too! Thus, I've come to a resolution with a new home-automation system. I call it "ScentAssist." Let me explain...

Home Automation... Condensed!

Seems that, these days, there's an endless number of things that need to be automated for an "all-out" home-automation system. But how should we bring all of that stuff together? Well, I think I've got an idea...

Bringing Light to the... Living Room?

Shadow boxes deserve a shadow... right? Well, if there's a shadow, there has to be some light! That's what I've been working on; adding a little intelligent lighting to my shadow boxes! But, I've also been going crazy in the kitchen with some lights around the cabinets.