Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

Making Progress with Capstones

Quick! Recap what's being researched...

This year, I'm very thankful that I've been able to sponsor two different projects. A continuation project from last year's wildfire detection project and a continuation of my own Capstone project, a biochar reactor.

Wildfire Detector (Team FireSense)

I've already talked a lot about this project, so I'm not going to do that here. If you'd like to read up on it more, feel free to check out some of the links above to the articles I've written previously. Otherwise, check out this year's team poster!

Team FireSense Poster

FireSense PCB

Other Pictures and Videos

Biochar Reactor (Team Biochargers)

I've talked less about this project here in my blog... but there's still quite a bit of information that I've written about it. So...

Yeah.. anyway, feel free to leave a comment if you have questions!

Team Biochargers Poster

System Breakdown

Other Pictures and Videos