Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

More Servers in the Basement?

Alright, I really don't have much to say about this one, other than I've got some new servers mounted in the basement!

I picked up some new server hardware including a really nice Synology NAS, and a 2-U 64-bit computer (yeah, I get excited about that since, remember, most of my computing hardware is ancient 32-bit stuff). I'm really excited to start setting them up as the new home for my Nextcloud service, and a nice backup file storage server to start sharing the load of all my git backups, etc. to some rugged machinery.

Anyway... check it all out!!!


I've got even more computers now! Take a look!

They're working to host Nextcloud, Gitea, Prometheus, Rainloop, Grafana, and more!