Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

Scraping the ISP Router to Support Self-Hosting

Routers have all kinds of "good stuff." A literal wealth of information, all we need is to tap that resource, right? That's just exactly what I'm working on.

See, I've started working on a project to scrape all of those "goodies" from my Ziply (formerly Frontier) router. All the important, and relevant stuff is provided right there, in the front of the user-interface. My little project is pretty simple, I'll scrape all of the useful bits into a big dictionary, then getting any of that data is a cinch!

Python's already got all the horsepower that I need. I can use requests to pull the web-page down, and then use a little beautifulsoup to parse everything into where I need it. Simple, right?


Now, I've got my little tool all spun up so I can use it directly on the command line, but I can also use it to host a little web-server with FastAPI and Uvicorn to host a simple little app.

  • Want to scrape the router statistics to your terminal? No Problem.
  • Want to scrape the router statistics and serve them in an easily-consumed web API? You bet!!! Even easier!

I don't have much else to say about the little project. Probably won't ever release it on PyPI, but if people ever asked, I suppose that I could. If you want to see it for yourself, go check it out on my Github.

What's Next?

Well, I'm going to use this little tool, in conjunction with some Porkbun scripts to automate my DNS refreshes for my home-servers. This'll let me bypass the reverse-DNS provided by DuckDNS (what I use right now), and let me get some better performance out of my system, as a whole! Namely, I'll be able to change the CNAME records out for something a little more reliable for my home-server needs!

Leave a comment if you've got thoughts, questions, or just want to say hi!