Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

#networking Articles

Python, Pianobar, and MQTT?

We know that I'm something of an audio buff. I love having music around me all the time. But isn't that becoming more of a staple in the American home, anyway? I certainly think so. There's lots of folks who are also listening to music all the time. I have my own personal preferences, though. (Shocker, I know.) The thing is, I want my audio system to tie nicely into my home. I want play/pause buttons scattered around, and well... I've got more demands.

  • Mon 09 January 2023
  • Audio

Using Pipewire Link to Bridge the Gaps

I'm ready to manage my audio "wiring" a bit more virtually, these days, and I'm ready to do that with some of the cool new tools available in Linux. Luckily for me, Pipewire has some command-line applications that make doing that an absolute cinch! And what's better, I can do it from Python, and make it a little more automagic. Now THAT's what I'm talking about!

  • Sun 18 December 2022
  • Audio

Installing VBAN on Linux Systems with Pipewire

I recently decided to drop Windows (finally), and move to Linux, full-time. But that means moving to Pipewire; which is both exciting and slightly daugnting. You see, to make the move, I need to get VBAN working on Linux, and talking to Pipewire. Hmm. Time to do some digging...

Reverse Proxying to two Git Servers

I'm quite the self-hosting fiend. That's well-established, at this point, but I wanted to go into some of the details about my recent adventures, exposing SSH service to both my GitLab and Gitea servers.

Scraping the ISP Router to Support Self-Hosting

To host my home services, I need to be able to have a dynamic-DNS, and to do that, I've been using DuckDNS (a great service, by the way), but it's time that I start getting more serious, and remove theCNAME from my domain, and get something a little more proper. But... to do that, I'll need my public IP. Good thing my ISP-provided-router displays that on the front page! Now, it's time for just a little Python...