Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

Creepy, Killer Vibes?

Ok... I'm way behind on articles, so I'm gonna try to get this one out fast.

This is, or at least should be, one of many articles on the subject of my home-improvement endeavors. I know, it's bit of a tangent from my normal tech-focused stuff, but it's still very much "me." After all, it's taking what's old, and giving it new life!

I bought my home in Potlatch in 2020, and I'm very pleased to be working on renovating so many parts of the home. It's daunting, sure; but it's exciting to see the ol' place come back together!

Right now, the big project is renovating upstairs. Downstairs was largely renovated when I bought, so upstairs is next. I'm working on removing the old lath-and-plaster and replacing it with proper drywall. Admittedly, it's a bit spooky looking, and that's largely what this post is intended to be about... Showing the creepy "behind the scenes" looks...

Hey! Take a look there!

It's the stairwell and the old chimney brick for the old kitchen stove. I'm going to work on lighting that brick up and framing it out so it'll still be visible after the remodel. After all, isn't it cool? From a bygone era!

I've even got a helper!

Look very closely, you'll see a companion who thinks he's helping. Let's not tell him, hmm?

This is a look around the master bedroom, and a look through what will become the bedroom wall. As I write, there's now some Sheetrock hung here, but there's more to be done!

Lastly, here's a look at the closet, and back out into the hallway upstairs. This helps tie a few of the previous pictures together.

Hopefully I'll keep on it, and provide some more updates as more transpires!