Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat


DJ Joe Playlister

I've been going a bit crazy with the web-app craze lately. Let me show you what I've been up to...

  • Tue 28 September 2021
  • DevOps

Why do I Self-Host?

I was recently asked "why do you run your own servers, when there's perfectly good, cheap, cloud providers?" Well... Here's why!

  • Thu 23 September 2021
  • Audio

Just Some Thoghts on a Song

Some songs have a hidden meaning, and one song that I really enjoy has something hidden so deeply, I just love it!

  • Sun 12 September 2021
  • Audio

Tech Podcasts Galore!

Everyone's got their new favorite podcast these days. So here, let me list all of my favorites!

Hearing Fires While Seeing Smoke

While most of North Idaho is seeing (and smelling) plenty of smoke, I'm looking back over a successful Capstone project and more to come...

Demonstrating Electricity

I recently had the pleasure of chaperoning a 4-H conference at the University of Idaho, but I also was able to teach!