Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

#configuration Articles

Making Configuration for a Python Application Simple!

If you're a nerd like me, you can probably think of your favorite self-hosted application right now. Better yet, you can probably think of all the reasons you love it. You know, one of the staples of a great self-hosted application is its ability to make the configuration your own and do so easily! I've been working on a number of little applications lately and they all need configuration, so I've started setting this up with the help of Python and TOML!

Python, Pianobar, and MQTT?

We know that I'm something of an audio buff. I love having music around me all the time. But isn't that becoming more of a staple in the American home, anyway? I certainly think so. There's lots of folks who are also listening to music all the time. I have my own personal preferences, though. (Shocker, I know.) The thing is, I want my audio system to tie nicely into my home. I want play/pause buttons scattered around, and well... I've got more demands.