Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat

Updated Wiki Page for Capstone Projects

Yes, I've written a bunch of blogposts about the Engineering Capstone project work that students have been conducting at the University of Idaho. If you don't believe me, or you've forgotten, go take a look at the summary of posts.

There's a lot of really cool things that they've done in the past, but I've not done the best keeping up with it all and putting it in one central place so that folks can just find the stuff they're interested in. Well, I've finally gotten around to updating my Wiki.js instance to have some nice pages about all that information.

new wiki, who dis?

More than anything, it's a "landing place" for most of the other information that's already been culminated. Regardless, it's a nice face-lift!

Go Take a Look! Then, let me know what you think in the new GitHub comments section, below!