- Sun 20 September 2020
- Python
- #python, #protocols, #sel
SEL Protocol is finally coming for Python. That's right, you've heard correctly; it's coming.

But, what is SEL Protocol anyway?
Well, it's a communications protocol, or standard, that was developed by SEL to support fast data communications between protective electric relays (the devices that monitor the power grid for faults) and communications processors. It was developed in the early '90s to help improve communication support of devices to allow users to monitor protective relays from a distance, and to perform control operations without being present.
I've begun writing selprotopy which will be a protocol driver supporting SEL protocol in Python. This means that users will be able to integrate solutions with SEL relays using Python!
Obviously, there's a lot to come, so this is not much more than an early announcement. If you're interested in contributing, feel free to drop me a message! I'd love to interact!