Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat


Jupyter Lab Setup for Electrical Engineers

Over the years, I've tried a few installation methods for Jupyter Notebooks and Jupyter lab. I've finally found one that I think is a little simpler than some of the others. Let me share that now for the benefit of Electrical Engineering students.

Basic Auth without the Hubub in NGINX

Today I learned that it IS possible to make a relatively simple static site that has some automatic authentication built in to NGINX that will use a custom HTML file for the login page as opposed to the basic-auth prompt that gets so annoying.

Making Portable Digital Learning

With all of these 4-H activities that I've been helping with, I've been in my car. A lot. That means that I don't always have access to great internet, great resources, and I can't always connect home to my servers, there. I've decided to combat that by building a single, portable network. A network in a box, if you will. Here's how I did it.

  • Sat 20 April 2024
  • Youth

First Time as a Guest Lecturer?

Recently, I was asked to provide a guest lecture. That was a first, for me, and was very fun getting prepared for the lecture. Don't get too excited, it wasn't anything wild, but it was a lot of fun!

  • Thu 18 April 2024
  • Youth

Electronics Dissection - Amping Up

Stand back... electronics are flying EVERYWHERE! Here's some info on those electronics dissection activities that I've been hosting around Idaho.

Quick-n-Simple Photo Converter (for HEIC format)

Those techy, geeks in the audience that use an iPhone probably recognize that the photos they take are in a format that's generally a little... Tricky to use with other resources. Seems I most frequently run into this issue when working on updating my blog with pictures that I took on my phone. I really would much rather use a .png format in place of the somewhat irksome .heic format that my iPhone captures. There's plenty of things online that I could upload my photos too, but who really wants to do that? I'd rather use something a little more "close to home."