Stanley Solutions Blog

engineering and creativity - all under one hat


Making Portable Digital Learning

With all of these 4-H activities that I've been helping with, I've been in my car. A lot. That means that I don't always have access to great internet, great resources, and I can't always connect home to my servers, there. I've decided to combat that by building a single, portable network. A network in a box, if you will. Here's how I did it.

  • Sat 20 April 2024
  • Youth

First Time as a Guest Lecturer?

Recently, I was asked to provide a guest lecture. That was a first, for me, and was very fun getting prepared for the lecture. Don't get too excited, it wasn't anything wild, but it was a lot of fun!

  • Thu 18 April 2024
  • Youth

Electronics Dissection - Amping Up

Stand back... electronics are flying EVERYWHERE! Here's some info on those electronics dissection activities that I've been hosting around Idaho.

Quick-n-Simple Photo Converter (for HEIC format)

Those techy, geeks in the audience that use an iPhone probably recognize that the photos they take are in a format that's generally a little... Tricky to use with other resources. Seems I most frequently run into this issue when working on updating my blog with pictures that I took on my phone. I really would much rather use a .png format in place of the somewhat irksome .heic format that my iPhone captures. There's plenty of things online that I could upload my photos too, but who really wants to do that? I'd rather use something a little more "close to home."

Adding a Subscription System to my Blog

I've finally gotten around to getting some basic configurations with my Listmonk mailing list system going. I got started with configurations for the Idaho 4-H Roundup podcast (did I mention I've started a podcast?), but now I'm also getting one started for my blog site. Here's how I added the HTML to get it working here.

Adding Search to my Pelican Blog Site

I'm quickly approaching the mark of 50 blog posts, which is wonderful! But it also means that finding that "thing" I wrote some time ago is becoming an increasing challenge. So... I need to add search to my blog site. But how? It's a static site, after all, there's not really a "backend" to do the search functionality for me... Luckily, there's some wonderful folks who've written tooling to add just this functionality. Here's how I added it to my blog site!